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Applied Mathematics and Computational Science (M.Sc. & Ph.D.)

Master Program

The Master’s degree in AMCS requires 42 credits over a period of 2 academic years. There are two study plans: the first plan, A1, consists solely of thesis credits totaling 42 credits. The second plan A2 is divided into mandatory courses worth 12 credits and selective courses worth 12 credits, with the remaining 18 credits allocated to thesis credits. See details from the department website.

M. Sc. Program     

Plan A1

Plan A2

Total credits



Registered courses


–         Mandatory courses


–         Elective courses


Thesis credits 



Doctoral Program

The Ph. D. degree in AMCS offers four study plans: Plan 1.1 and Plan 2.1 require 60 credits over 3 academic years, while Plan 1.2 and Plan 2.2 require 72 credits over 4 academic years. See details from the department website.

The Ph. D. degree in AMCS offers four study plans: Plan 1.1 and Plan 2.1 require 60 credits over 3 academic years, while Plan 1.2 and Plan 2.2 require 72 credits over 4 academic years. See details from the department website.

M. Sc. Program     

Plan 1.1

Plan 1.2

Plan 2.1

Plan 2.2

Total credits





Registered courses



–         Mandatory courses


–         Elective courses



Thesis credits 





All students must register for course 2301894, Doctoral Dissertation Seminar in every semester. The course is graded S/U and does not count towards the credit requirements. Students must receive a grade of S in the final semester before graduation.   

The qualified Ph. D. candidate must pass two core subjects and one elective subject.

The two core subjects are Applied Analysis and Applied Linear Algebra. The elective subject can be chosen from Applied Statistics, Numerical Analysis, Fundamental of Mathematical Programming, Mathematical modeling or approved subject from Program committees.

Each subject must achieve a minimum passing score of 50%, and the overall average score must exceed a threshold of 60%.

Thesis Proposal Examination Guidelines:

A thesis proposal examination can be conducted when the following criteria are met:

Students must present their thesis proposals to the Program Administrative Committee according to the criteria and within the timeframe specified by the Dean, with the approval of the Faculty Administrative Committee.

The student’s thesis proposal, along with the names of the thesis advisors and the thesis examination committee, must be approved by the Program Administrative Committee and subsequently by the Faculty Administrative Committee, following the criteria and within the timeframe set by the Faculty Administrative Committee.

The criteria and timeframe mentioned in paragraphs one and two must be announced by the Faculty in an official notice.

Clause 29: Students must receive approval for their thesis proposal within the timeframe set by the Faculty Administrative Committee and must comply with the following criteria:
(1) For a master’s degree program: within 2 academic years from the first semester of study.
(2) For an integrated program: doctoral students may take the thesis proposal examination at any time, but must comply with Clause 72(2).

The Program Administrative Committee, with the approval of the Faculty Administrative Committee, may require students in the program to take and pass the thesis proposal examination before the timeframe specified in paragraph one. This must be stated in an official notice before the admission of students into the program.

Students who do not receive approval for their thesis proposal within the specified timeframe shall lose their student status unless there are necessary and appropriate reasons. The Faculty Administrative Committee may extend the timeframe by an additional semester and must inform the Registrar’s Office.

Clause 72(2): The thesis proposal must be approved by the Faculty Administrative Committee at least 60 days before the thesis defense. However, if the thesis proposal has no significant revisions, the Faculty Administrative Committee may approve the thesis defense before the specified timeframe. The timeframe shall begin from the date the Program Administrative Committee approves the thesis proposal.

Thesis Defense Examination Guidelines:

For students enrolled between the academic years 2013 and 2017: Students will be eligible to defend their thesis if the following criteria are met:

  1. They have registered for all courses required by the program.
  2. The thesis proposal has been approved by the Faculty Administrative Committee for at least 60 days prior to the thesis defense.
  3. There is evidence that a research article, which is part of the thesis, has been submitted to an academic journal for review for publication, or has been accepted for presentation at an academic conference.
  4. They have passed other criteria as specified by the Faculty Administrative Committee. Students wishing to defend their thesis must follow the procedures and timelines set by the Program Administrative Committee and the Faculty.

For students enrolled from the academic year 2018 onwards: Students will be eligible to defend their thesis if the following criteria are met:

  1. They have completed the registration for all courses required by the program.
  2. The thesis proposal has been approved by the Faculty Administrative Committee for at least 60 days prior to the thesis defense. However, if the thesis proposal requires no significant revisions, the Faculty Administrative Committee may allow the thesis defense to be conducted earlier. The period will be calculated from the date the Program Administrative Committee approves the thesis proposal.
  3. There is evidence that a research article, which is part of the thesis, has been submitted to an academic journal for review for publication, or has been accepted for presentation at an academic conference, in accordance with the criteria set by university regulations or announcements.
  4. They have passed the English language proficiency test or another foreign language test as required by the university or the Program Administrative Committee.
  5. They have passed other criteria as specified by the Faculty Administrative Committee. Students wishing to defend their thesis must follow the procedures and timelines set by the Program Administrative Committee and the Faculty.

Chulalongkorn University Regulations on Higher Education Studies, 2023

Chulalongkorn University Regulations on Higher Education Studies, 2022

Chulalongkorn University Regulations on Higher Education Studies, 2018