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Current Students

Mathematics​ (M.Sc. & Ph.D.)

Master Program

Master of Science Program in Mathematics  (M.Sc.)

Doctoral Program

Doctor of Philosophy Program in Mathematics (Ph.D)

Qualifying Exam

Qualifying Examination for Doctoral Candidates

The Qualifying Examination is designed to assess a student’s fundamental knowledge, analytical skills, and independent research capabilities. It serves as a benchmark to evaluate a student’s readiness for doctoral studies.

Specific requirements for the Qualifying Examination are as follows: 

  1. Eligibility:

    • A student may only take the Qualifying Examination upon receiving approval from the Program Committee.
    • Students entering the program with a master’s degree or a bachelor’s degree with honors may register for the Qualifying Examination starting from the first semester of enrollment.
    • Students entering the program with a bachelor’s degree without honors (specifically, Plan G and G2 students) must complete at least 9 credit hours (*) and maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher to be eligible for the Qualifying Examination.
  2. Examination Timeline:

    • Students must register for and pass the Qualifying Examination with a grade of S (pass) within 4 semesters from the first semester of enrollment for master’s degree holders and within 5 semesters from the first semester of enrollment for bachelor’s degree holders (**).
  3. Retaking the Examination:

    • Students who receive a grade of U (fail) may retake the examination once. If they receive a grade of U twice, they will be dismissed from the program unless approved by the program to transfer to a master’s degree program.
  4. Examination Format:

    • The Qualifying Examination consists of a written examination.
  5. Subject Areas:

    • Students must pass examinations in two out of four subject areas: Algebra, Analysis, Topology+Geometry, and Applied Mathematics. For each subject area, students must select and pass two specific courses. A passing score is defined as obtaining at least 50% of the total points in each subject area.
  6. Examination Schedule:

    • Students may choose to take the examination in one or two subject areas per semester. If a student passes only one subject area, it is considered a pass for that subject area, and the student may take the remaining subject area in the following semester.

(*, **) For students who enrolled starting from the academic year 2018 onward.

The content of each branch covers the following subjects

2301610   Linear and Multilinear Algebra
– Basic concepts; linear maps; linear geometry; multilinear algebra; quadratic forms.

2301613   Abstract Algebra I
– Groups; group actions; Sylow theorems; rings; ideals; polynomial rings; unique factorization domains;
  fields and field extensions.

2301614   Abstract Algebra II
– Jordan-Holder theorem; solvable groups; free groups; classification of extension fields; Galois theory;
   Noetherian ring; modules.

2301620   Mathematical Analysis
– The real number system; metric spaces; sequences and series of real numbers; continuity;
   differentiation; the Riemann integral; uniform convergence; the Arzela-Ascoli theorem; the Stone-
  Weierstrass theorem.

2301621   Real Analysis I
– Measures; integration; normed linear spaces;  – spaces; Hilbert spaces.

2301622   Real Analysis II
– Product measures; signed and complex measures; differentiation; Banach spaces.

2301623   Complex Analysis
– Holomorphic functions; complex power series; complex line integrals; Cauchy theorem, Cauchy integral
  formula and applications; calculus of residues; maximum modulus principle; conformal mappings,
  normal families, Riemann mapping theorem; harmonic functions.

2301631 Topology
– Topological spaces; complete metric spaces; product spaces; quotient spaces; countability axioms;
  separation axioms; connectedmess; compactness; compactifications; net convergence; function

2301632   Algebraic Topology
– Homotopy; fundamental groups; covering spaces; van Kampen’s theorem; simplicial homology; singular
  homology CW-complexes; cellular homology; Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms.

2301635   Differentiable Manifolds
– Differentiable manifolds, tangent spaces; vector fields and flows; immersions and submersions;
  Frobenius’ theorem; integration on manifols, differential forms, Stokes’theorem; introduction to Lie
  groups and Lie algebras.

บังคับสอบรายวิชา  2301653   Numerical Analysis
– Solutions of systems of linear and non-linear equations, numerical methods for ordinary 
  differential equations, finite difference methods for two-point boundary value problems and finite
  difference methods for partial differential equations.

และเลือกสอบอีก 1 รายวิชาจาก 3 รายวิชาต่อไปนี้

2301641  Method of Applied Mathematics I
– Theory of distribution, Green’s functions, operator theory, perturbation method.

2301650  Partial Differential Equations
– First-order equations; linear second-order PDEs; representation of solutions; introduction to Hamilton-
  Jacobi equations; other ways to represent solutions. 

2301676  Stochastic Models
– Stochastic programming models, probabilistic dynamic programming models, Markov chain, waiting line
  models, birth-death process.

Qualifying Examination Application Form

Please submit this form by July for Fall Semester and by December for Spring Semester.

Proposal Examination

Thesis outline examination It is a test to measure students’ knowledge and understanding of issues related to issues. Research methods Methods and techniques used in solving research problems Examination of dissertation proposals in the Doctor of Philosophy degree program. There must be an examination of the basic knowledge and in-depth knowledge necessary to complete the thesis. To ensure that students have sufficient necessary knowledge to conduct research.

  • For students in the Master’s degree program Project approval must be received within 2 academic years from the first semester of study.
  • For Ph.D. students The outline must be approved within 3 academic years from the first semester of study. Except for continuous management courses Students can take the thesis outline examination at any time. But not less than 60 days before the thesis examination.


Thesis/Dissertation Defense

Thesis examination It is a test to measure students’ knowledge and understanding of issues related to issues. Research methods Methods and techniques used to solve research problems The thesis examination must include a test of basic knowledge and in-depth knowledge used in the thesis to assess whether the student has knowledge and understanding of the research.

 Students will be able to take the thesis examination. Only if the following criteria are met.

  1. Register for all courses as specified in the curriculum.
  2. Receive approval of the thesis outline from the Faculty Executive Committee for a period of not less than 60 days before the date of the thesis examination. In the event that the thesis outline does not have any significant amendments. and the Faculty Executive Committee approves the thesis examination before the period specified in paragraph one. The said period shall begin counting from the day the Curriculum Executive Committee approves the thesis outline.
  3. There is evidence showing that Submitted a research article as part of a thesis to an academic journal for consideration for publication. or has been accepted to present work to an academic conference in accordance with the criteria set forth in university regulations or announcements.
  4. Pass the English language test criteria as specified by the university/program. (For students from academic year 2018 onwards)

Announcement on the deadline of complete thesis/dissertation and independent study submission for Graduate Students, Academic Year 2024